I found two very cool sites the other day. The first one asks people to create tension with only 2 sentences. The other one talks about how Hemingway once wrote a story with only six words ("For sale: baby shoes, never worn.") and felt that it was his best work.
Alan Moore (writer of V for Vendetta and The Killing Joke) tried the six words idea and came up with "Machine. Unexpectedly, I’d invented a time".
I found one cute quote from the 2 sentences project "He sat on the edge of the pavement. His Legs Dangling." Although whimsical it still creates tension.
Both of these are really good excerises for writers. Copywriters and marketers take note: LESS IS MORE. If I read more copywriting like this I’d probably buy more crap. So here’s the deal, I am looking for comments that use one of the two methods above. You must tell a story in 6 words or use only 2 sentences to create tension. You can submit as many different comments as you like as long as they follow the rules.
SHAMELESS REQUEST: Link to this blog post and help me get as many comments as I can on this.