Guy K. posted his review and interview of the new book "Make It Stick" by Chip and Dan Heath. The book discusses what makes ideas stick in the publics mind. Read reviews here. Along with the interview, Guy has posted a Stickiness Aptitude Test that will help you take measure of how sticky YOUR new idea might really be.
BOTTOM LINE: I plan on reading this book. One theme I see from the posts, Amazon, and the SAT is that simplicity is a big part of stickiness, especially in the pitch. For instance…
- (about the birth of Southwest Airlines in a bar) "… the original core idea fit on a cocktail napkin."
- (about how ALIEN was pitched, one sentence analogy) "JAWS on a spaceship."
- YouBlog– Cocktail napkin presentations, how to
- MUST READ! WhoHasTimeForThis?– Practicing The Art of Pitchcraft, elevator pitching
RANDOM GREAT IDEA: I think I should start a site ( where people can submit their great ideas. Your idea can be big, crazy, and even require tons of dough…but it still has to be simple to communicate. So the catch is that you have to be able to pitch the idea in only 3 sentences (or some small character limit) and a picture on the back of a napkin that you upload. People can post comments on other ideas with their own napkins, seeing who can make the most simple napkin pitch from the same idea.